But marketers are not always trained to perform these kinds of tasks, even because the focus of their job is planning and Telephone Number List executing campaigns. Experience, in this case, helps more in finding solutions for the area than in carrying out this type Telephone Number List of work. And, in most structures, it is counterproductive to leave this preparation with sales, since this means that the area will not be able to dedicate itself 100% to Telephone Number List what it does best: closing deals.
That's where the pre-sales executive comes in, responsible for the initial contacts with the client and the elaboration of prospecting Telephone Number List strategies - to better understand the mindset that prevents you from achieving better results, read this article on the subject. Is it clear how this works in more conceptual terms? So now let's see what Telephone Number List needs to be done to implement your presale area! When do we need to implement the presale area? The first step for the implementation of a pre-sales area is the analysis Telephone Number List of the maturity level of the company's sales strategy.
We explain: at the beginning of the process, it is recommended to keep the division in the most traditional model. Marketing will be in charge Telephone Number List of preparing the lead and, when duly qualified, sales will take over to make the proposal and guide the closing. If the job is done well, the tendency is for the number of leads to increase, to the point that Telephone Number List the sales department will have to start filtering who has priority Telephone Number List attention. Logically, it is clear that the area will leave out the coldest.